Facts about Obesity

Of course everyone have ever heard about obesity right? We can observe ourselves about this issues in our surrounding. But do you really know and understand what is exactly the definition and facts on obesity? To know more, just keep on reading okay. 

What is obesity?

Obesity is a complex disease due to excessive accumulation of fat in the body and thus causes a person to experience an excessive body weight. Men are said to be obese if they have excess body fat more than 25%. While women are said to be obese when their body fat more than 35%. Apart from that, obesity can also be measured by using Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is a weight measurement (kg) divided by squared of height (m). 

Below are the categories of overweight and obese:

BMI (kg/m²)
Health Risk

23.0 – 27.4
High risk
Obese I
27.5 – 34.9
High risk
Obese II
35.0 – 39.9
Very high risk
Obese III
Extremely high risk
                                                                                                               Source: World Health Organisation

What causes Obesity?

Obesity can cause by many factors such as poor eating habit, sedentary lifestyle including:

1. Genetic
2. Medical disorders
3. Drugs
4. Lack of sleep
5. Hormones
6. Aging
7. Attitudes
8. Social determinants

Obesity relation to Health Problems

Obesity can cause high risk of metabolic syndrome such as high visceral fat and high blood pressure due to high accumulation of lipid surrounding the wall of our blood systems. These metabolic syndrome will then contribute to develop various type of chronic diseases such as heart attack, stroke, hypertension, arthritis, diabetes and also premature death! 

How to overcome obesity problem?

Obesity can be overcome by several ways. Below are some lists of method to overcome obesity problem:

1. Avoid unhealthy snacking (ice cream, chocolates, sweets)
2. Try to reduce fast food intake 
3. Ensure to take appropriate portion of foods. Try to implement and practice healthy plate in our daily life. 
4. Always eat variety of food in a day but in a moderation.
5. Avoid being sedentary. Try to become more active by doing physical activity. 
6. Monitor body weight frequently and always try to achieve ideal body weight.

"What if I've try everything to overcome obesity, but still no changes or only show small changes?" Don't worry. Other alternative way, why don't you try our Phyto-Slim Package

Phyto-Slim Package

This package consists of 3 products that contribute their major function respectively. The products are Total Diet 8-Plus, Lipokleen A and Phytokleen. 

So, what are you waiting for? Let's try!
Contact us for more details at +603-61440528 or at our FB Page Totalife Malaysia


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