Recipe to increase antioxidant in your body

What is antioxidant?

Antioxidant is a natural substances that can prevent or delay some types of cell damage. Fruits and vegetables are good source of antioxidant. There is scientific evidence that eating diet includes plenty of fruits and vegetables is healthy. Besides, it not just being healthy, but antioxidant may also lower the risks of certain disease such as cancer. Examples of antioxidants are Beta-carotene, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. 

Vitamin C is very synonym and its acts as antioxidant in our body. Vitamin C or also known as Ascorbic acid is essential for the body and powerful water-soluble vitamin. Water-soluble vitamin that dissolve in water and carry to all parts of the body but do not store in body. Vitamin C cannot be synthesized by our body that why vitamin C must be obtained from diet. The needs of vitamin C for your body is varies depending on your age.

What foods provide vitamin C?

Fruits and vegetables are the good sources of vitamin C. For example Citrus fruit (such as oranges, grapefruit, Kiwi red and green pepper) and other fruits and vegetables (Broccoli, Strawberries and tomatoes) have a lot of vitamin C. Although Vitamin C content in food may be reduced due to some factors such as prolonged storage and cooking (temperature). Therefore, fruits and vegetable are the best to eat when its raw.

Let's try some new recipe from Totalife that high in antioxidant! 💜💜 

Extravaganza body healthy drink 

- 1 sachet of total drink
- 1 medium size of banana
- 4 dsp of oats
- 227ml of cold water

1) Cut banana into small pieces.
2) Mix all the ingredients in blender and blend.
3) Serve in the glass.

Citrus magical
-1 sachet of Totalac
-1/2 cup of mango
- 1/2 cup of frozen banana
-1 medium size of carrot 
-1/2 of tomato
-1 tsp lemon juice

1) Cut all the fruits and vegetable (mango, banana, carrot, tomato) into small pieces.
2) Mix all the ingredients in blender and blend.
3) Serve in the glass.

Those all fruits that use in this recipe are high in antioxidants. Let's grab the chance to have high antioxidant in a simple recipe with Totalife! You can try it on your own. Good luck!


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