7-Days Coffee

What is Brewer’s Yeast

Brewer’s yeast is an ingredient used in the production of beer or bread. It is made from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a one-celled fungus. Brewer’s yeast is used as a nutritional supplement usually contain non-living, dried yeast.


It is also good source of B-complex vitamins. These vitamins help to break down carbohydrates, fats, protein which provide the body with energy. It also a good source of essential amino acids (chromium) that cannot make by the body and need to get from food outside. 

Brewer’s yeast does not contain vitamin b12, because that vitamin found in meat and dairy products. It also contain protein, iron, selenium, potassium and chromium.


Brewer’s yeast is naturally rich in glucose tolerance factor (GTF), a compound that contains a biologically-active form of chromium. It likely does so by binding to insulin and increasing its absorption in blood vessels.
The chromium in brewer’s yeast may help control sugar levels for patients with type 2 diabetes by improving glucose tolerance.


Additionally, brewer's yeast seems to increase enzymes in the intestine that could help relieve diarrhea and considered as probiotics that aid in digestion.

Fight Bacteria

Brewer's yeast might help fight bacteria that cause infections in the intestine and improve the body's defences against viral lung infections such as flu and the common cold.

 Weight loss

Although some studies suggest that chromium may help reduce body fat, the amount of fat lost is small compared to what can be lost with exercise. Brewer's yeast is also used as a protein supplement and energy booster. So it may help maintain a healthy weight.

How to take it

Take effective nutritious 7-Days (Coffee flavour) as your meal replacement with new phytochemical formula. 

 This flavour contain brewer’s yeast act as natural multivitamin for important physiology metabolism. Brewer's Yeast act as good source of vitamin B-Complex for body function.

Another secret in this meal replacement :) 

☕New formula with high fiber (oat fiber) that provides 6.5 grams of dietary fiber per 100 grams, reaching high fiber standard.

☕Natural barley extract effectively improves insulin resistance, helps to control blood glucose, lower blood lipids and triglycerides.

☕Low calories with complete vitamins and minerals help to metabolize calories more smoothly.

☕No sugar added, contribute to good mouth feeling with safe sweet substitute sucralose to replace aspartame.

Precautions 😱

·       Brewer’s yeast may lower blood sugar levels. Taking it in combination with diabetes medications can place you at higher risk for lower than optimum blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Monitor your blood sugar carefully.

·        Consult your healthcare provider before taking any supplement from brewer’s yeast

7 Days let you meet your beautiful self after 7 Days 😘

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