Probiotic - The Soldier in Your Gut

Probiotic - The Soldier in Your Gut
What is gut microbiota?
Gut microbiota (formerly called gut flora) is the name given today to the microbe population living in our intestine. A healthy and balanced gut microbiota is key to ensuring proper digestive functioning. There are more than 3 millions microbial genes in our gut microbiota 150 times more genes than in the human genome.

What is probiotics ?
Probiotics is a live bacteria and yeast that good for our digestive system and boost our immune system. In your gut there are two type of bacteria which are good and bad bacteria. Usually the good bacteria is to keep your gut healthy. But sometimes an imbalance of bacteria in gut occurs, leading to diarrhea, bloating and other health problems. 

How do they work
1. When you lose good bacteria in your body, for example after you take antibiotics, probiotics (good bacteria) can help replace them.
2.The balance of your good and bad bacteria keep your body work the way it should

The cause that disturb imbalance of gut :
1. Improper Diet 
2. Stress 
3. IIlness
4. Intake of Food and water 
5. Ageing 

The solution for gut microbes imbalance is PROBIOTICS. Total probiotics is a daily savior vacuum cleaner of your intestine with enrich with 10 billions pharamaceutical graded probiotics to eliminate bad bacteria. Lactobacillus sp. and bifidobacterium sp. are proven beneficial to digestive system.

For more inquiries, welcome to contact us.

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