Soy Protein in Meal Replacement

Hi, welcome to a new topic which is soy protein in meal replacement...

First of all what is protein?

Protein is the nutrients that your body uses to make a new cells, muscles tissue and hormone. Each protein molecules is made up of amino acids, a building blocks that strung together on chains to form protein. The best ways to ensure you get enough proteins in your diets is to take from foods, protein shakes or meal replacement.

Then, what is soy?
Soy or soybeans are a type of legume that are naturally high in protein while remaining low in fat. Soy beans has the most complete amino acid compare to other legumes such as pea, peanut or lentils.


'Soy protein is a protein that is isolated from soybean'

When it comes to meal replacement there are two of the most common form of protein which are soy protein and whey protein. Soy protein is generally regarded as being concentrated in protein bodies, which are estimated to contain at least 60–70% of the total soybean protein. Pure soy protein isolate is used mainly by the food industry. It is usually found combined with other food ingredients or found in the meal replacement. So, what is the different between these two?

The difference between soy protein and whey protein


Soy protein isolate is a dry powder food ingredient that has been separated or isolated from the other components of the soybean, making it 90 to 95% protein and nearly carbohydrate and fat-free.

Food uses 
  • Bread and baked goods 
  • Breakfast Cereals and pastas 
  • Weight and muscle gain in fitness market
  • Dairy products
  • Condiments 

The making of soy protein
Nowadays, there are variety of ways soy protein can be produce because of the advanced processing technology. Generally, soy protein isolate is made from de-fatted soybean flakes that have been washed in either alcohol or water to remove sugars and dietary fiber. 

Soy protein isolate is used throughout the food industry for both nutritional and functional reasons.

Soy Nutritional Highlights

Soybean protein is a complete protein since it provides all of the essential amino acids for human nutrition needed for growth and body functioning. Soy protein is fat free, no cholesterol and low amount of satured fat. Thus, soy foods also are a good source for those who are concerned with their cholesterol level.

One study conducted on effect of soy protein in weight loss mention that the consumption of adequate amounts of dietary protein can help individuals maintain a healthy body composition, especially when combined with resistance exercise and during weight loss. 

It is well established that dietary protein intake supports muscle development and helps reduce loss of lean body mass during weight loss. Numerous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of soy protein intake for promoting fat loss while preserving muscle mass and supporting lean body mass gains.

In fact, soy protein and animal-based proteins both support weight loss and weight maintenance equally as part of an energy-restricted diet; however, soy protein offers additional cardiometabolic advantages.

According to the The Food and Drug administration (FDA), has approved a health claim stating that '25 grams of soy protein in a daily diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol can help reduce total and LDL cholesterol that is moderately high to high'. 

It suitable for the vegetarian or vegan because they can get their protein form soy products. Based on the one study conducted, the soy protein has been one of the ingredients that offering multiple benefits to the consumers. Below the comparision of soy protein and other protein sources.

How to get soy protein benefits?
This soy protein particularly good used for reduction in calories, such as while dieting or weight loss. During the reduction of calories people tend to take low calorie but high quality protein to maintain lean body mass. 

Lets introducing our 7-Days meal replacement, the safe and effective nutritious meal replacement with new phytochemical formula. 7-Days use soy protein in their ingredients and non-GMO (Non-Genetically Modified Organisms) premium soy protein for all! This products free of heavy metal test and no pesticide residues.

7 Days let you meet your beautiful self after 7 Days 

The other benefits of 7-Days :
💛High dietary fiber that help in digestive system
💛Low calories with complete vitamins and minerals to help metabolize calories more smoothly
💛No added glucose
💛Natural barley extract effectively improves insulin resistance and helps to control blood glucose

Enjoy the video for better understanding.....

A better chance of living longer healthier lives with 7-Days’

Thank you for reading  💕

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